Tuesday, 5 April 2011


 Ello ello ello, bananas have become my new obseshh this week. Maybe its to do with prada ss11 OR MAYBS I just love nanas (I think its both actually)
These leggings are a recent purchase from toppers, they were pretty much an instant purchase. I keep having to check the topshop website as they did that brillo collection of fruity jewelry for the latest POP issue and I want it all. However, I think maybe .. it might not ever hit the shops, this is sad as they could make a lot of money from me purchasing it all.. 

Would also REALLY like these shoes? JC Suebees (keep wanting to call them subos haha, maybe because they are ugly but secretly beautiful?!)
I love the flatness, yummeeee . They are so geeky and great.

Anyway Pop has generally be my major inspiration since it hit the shelves. I had thought it had got a bit blah since Katie left and I had ceased to purchase it at all (this a major deal, I still purchase vogue every month despite ED trying to lead me astray). However, this issue was a complete revelation, I saw the cover and it was love ! I actually don't think a single issue of a magazine has so totally got what I've been thinking stylistically in my head. All the shoots are pure perfection (I even love Jessie J) , turbans and so much fruit and just an abundance of colour; it is my summer vision !

ENOUGH OF THAT THOUGH..... LOOK I'M A        BANANA?!                                                  

 I think my headscarf looks a bit like a banana skin?


(Sauceys : BananassssTopshopJCPOP)

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