Sunday, 24 March 2013

Lazy Sunday

 Sunday is my favourite day, I usually spend it in a lazy haze; like a fat cat I stretch and yawn. I listen to  radio 4, catch up on housework and drink endless cups of coffee. Although I laze around I do still like to dress up, I can't stand lounging about in jim jams (that is reserved for illness only.)

On this cold Sunday I am wearing a concoction of my favourite items, the t shirt is my favourite ever. The print is based on one by CollierCampbell called Bauhaus. It's obviously been many others favourite too as it has little stitches at the elbows where it has worn through in it's former lives.
The skirt and waistcoat I bought from a lady at Port Elliot Festival last year. The headband was made  Penny MacBeth (my mum). My red clogs are from ebay and are completely falling to pieces but I love them still.

I also like to paint on Sundays. Although recently I have been painting a lot all the time, I recently completed the painting below. Its of Josh and I, the backdrop is based on the same print as my t shirt. I have lots more planned and hope to build a while series of couples so stay tuned.


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